November 30, 2016

Senators Warren and Sanders Release Joint Statement on Trump's Treasury Nominee

Washington, DC - Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) released the following statement Wednesday after it was reported that President-elect Donald Trump will nominate Steve Mnuchin to serve as Treasury secretary:

"During the campaign, Donald Trump told the American people that he was going to change Washington by taking on Wall Street. Donald Trump's choice for Treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, is just another Wall Street insider. That is not the type of change that Donald Trump promised to bring to Washington - that is hypocrisy at its worst. After his bank pocketed billions in taxpayer dollars from the bailout, Mnuchin moved on to make a fortune running another bank that aggressively foreclosed on families still reeling from the crisis. This pick makes clear that Donald Trump wants to cater to the same Wall Street executives that have hurt working families time and again."
