December 05, 2016

Senators Schumer, Brown, Whitehouse, and Warren Release Joint Statement on Attempt by Senate Finance Committee Republicans to Jam Through Radical Moninee to the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees

Washington, D.C. - Senators Charles E. Schumer, Sherrod Brown, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Elizabeth Warren released the following statement today in light of attempts today by Senate Finance Committee Republicans to jam through the confirmation of Charles Blahous - an advocate of privatizing Social Security - to the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees.

"As Public Trustee Mr. Blahous' has promoted a radical agenda - spreading misinformation and fear about the future of Social Security and Medicare, while claiming to represent the very programs that protect millions of seniors from poverty.

"Republicans are trying to jam his nomination through committee today, out of view from the public in an effort to hide their extreme agenda. Ultimately, they won't be successful. We will block his confirmation to serve as a trustee on the Social Security and Medicare advisory board this year.

"This must be the last time his nomination comes before the Senate.

"President-elect Trump repeatedly promised to millions of Americans that he would not cut their Social Security benefits. America's seniors expect that he will live up to that promise. One small step he can take towards doing this is by nominating individuals to the board who are committed to protecting and expanding, not slashing, Social Security to meet the needs of America's workers in the years ahead."
