September 27, 2019

Updated: Senator Warren’s Statement on the Gas Leak in Lawrence, Massachusetts

Boston, MA – United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) released the following statement in response to the gas leak reported earlier today in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

“Today, a major gas leak was reported in Lawrence, and 300 residents are being evacuated. We are deeply grateful to Lawrence’s first responders and Mayor Rivera for their quick action to keep residents safe. Just three days ago, the NTSB released a damning report that drew a direct link between weak engineering management at NiSource and Columbia Gas and last year’s devastating gas explosions. Senator Markey, Congresswoman Trahan, and I are fighting harder than ever to pass the Leonel Rondon Pipeline Safety Act to make sure gas companies prioritize the safety of our communities -- and we are demanding answers from Columbia Gas and NiSource about why they keep placing our residents and first responders at risk.”
