Senator Warren's Statement on Passing of Brady Williamson
Senator Warren's Statement on Passing of Brady Williamson
Washington, D.C. – In response to the passing of Brady Williamson, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren released the following statement:
“My dear friend Brady Williamson died Sunday. He was a superb lawyer, a go-to advance guy, and a quietly remarkable person. I experienced a lot of life with Brady, from fighting to preserve bankruptcy protection for struggling families to shopping for my first apartment in Washington. For three decades - my entire time in advocacy and government - Brady was there with his always-calm counsel. He was a generous mentor to my staff. He always did his homework, and he was clear-eyed in our goal of rescuing families that were hanging onto the middle class by their fingernails. Brady understood that even if we changed only one person’s life, the fight would be worth it. I will miss his gentle reminders."
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