January 03, 2019

Senator Warren Sworn-in to a Second Term

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren was sworn-in to office for a second term on Thursday, January 3, 2019, the first day of the 116th Congress. 

In her remarks to a gathering of supporters and colleagues Wednesday morning, Senator Warren thanked her constituents for being with her in the fight to make Washington work for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected.

"Winning is not just about the elections, it is about what you do with this job once you've got it...We are in this fight because we believe in a government that works for everyone and we're going to stay in this fight until that happens," said Senator Warren.

Senator Warren was first elected to the Senate in 2012, following a campaign that emphasized her life's work standing up for families against powerful corporate interests. During her first six-year term in the Senate, Senator Warren used every tool at her disposal to help families rebuild economic security and to make a real difference for Massachusetts.

  • She fought to protect students in Massachusetts and across the country from fraudulent for-profit colleges and predatory student loan companies, and secured three-quarters of a billion dollars in debt relief for students who were cheated. 
  • She held Columbia Gas and its parent company, NiSource, responsible for compromising customer safety in the Merrimack Valley, and to make sure families could safely return to their homes.
  • She secured disaster relief for Massachusetts fishermen and fought to protect Massachusetts coasts and waterways amid Trump administration deregulation.
  • She passed a bipartisan law to increase access to hearing aids, lowering prices by eliminating unnecessary regulations. 
  • She pushed for strong rules to prevent another financial crisis and Wall Street bailout, took on companies like Wells Fargo that cheated their customers, and fought to protect the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
  • She passed bipartisan measures that strengthen financial protections for elderly veterans and Gold Star spouses, remove hurdles to earning an education through the G.I. Bill, build resources to address the mental health needs of women veterans, reform military law to protect servicemembers from online sexual harassment, and increase funding for the military's science and technology programs and facilities modernization priorities at Massachusetts military installations.

In the 116th Congress, Senator Warren will continue to serve on the Senate Committees on Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs; Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP); Armed Services; and the Special Committee on Aging, and will keep fighting for the people of Massachusetts and families everywhere.

As she begins her second term, Senator Warren also encourages her constituents to continue to reach out for the assistance available to them through her Senate office. The Senator's staff members are available to help with services covering a range of issues, from veterans' benefits to Social Security, taxes, student loans, service academy nominations, immigration, and more. Massachusetts residents can go to the Senator's office in Boston or Springfield or visit https://www.warren.senate.gov/services/findassistance for more information and to submit their inquiries.
