January 24, 2017

Senator Warren Statement on Vote to Approve Dr. Carson Nomination to HUD

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) today released the following statement after the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs approved Dr. Ben Carson's nomination for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development:

"Although I continue to have concerns about Dr. Carson's inexperience in the field and his comments on poverty and government dependency, he has pledged to ‘look for ways to expand affordable housing options for everyone,' to ‘aggressively defend the fair housing rights of all Americans' - including by applying the Fair Housing Act's disparate impact standard - to ‘strongly support' existing initiatives to combat homelessness, to enforce, ‘without hesitation,' equal access rules for LGBTQ Americans, to work with the Banking Committee to ensure that HUD funds are not improperly directed to the President's businesses, to ‘recruit a bipartisan list of strong housing practitioners' to serve with him at HUD, and to work with me to address the unacceptable levels of lead in public housing units. In light of these promises, I support Dr. Carson's nomination, and look forward to working with him to ensure that he follows through on his commitments."

Prior to the vote, Senator Warren sent Dr. Carson a letter, questioned him at his confirmation hearing, and received answers to her questions for the record.
