August 14, 2019

Senator Warren Statement on Trump Administration Delay of Vineyard Wind Offshore Wind Energy Project

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren today released the following statement on the Trump Administration's decision to delay the approval of a key permit for the Vineyard Wind offshore wind energy project:

"The Trump Administration's last-minute decision to delay approval of a major offshore wind energy project is extremely disappointing. The Vineyard Wind project-which is projected to create thousands of jobs and generate clean energy for over 400,000 families and businesses across the Commonwealth-would save money for Massachusetts ratepayers, reduce carbon emissions by over 1.6 tons per year, and help the Commonwealth reach its clean energy targets by 2035."

"Despite these benefits, the Trump Administration has chosen to hinder this important project and continue to put corporate polluters' profits over Americans' well-being. I urge the Administration to work towards a solution that will protect the environment, address the concerns raised by our local fishermen, and allow the Vineyard Wind project to move forward without delay."

In December 2018, Senator Warren joined Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Representative William Keating (D-Mass.) and Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Jack Reed (D-R.I.) in writing to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management urging consensus between offshore wind and fishing interests. Senator Warren is also a co-sponsor of the Offshore Wind Incentives for New Development (WIND) Act, legislation that would spur the growth of offshore wind energy in the United States by extending tax credits for the renewable energy industry.
