May 02, 2013

Senator Warren, Senate Colleagues Send Letter Urging Action by President Obama to End Veterans' Disabilities Claims Backlog

WASHINGTON, DC – On Monday, April 29th, United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) signed onto a bipartisan letter with 66 of her Senate colleagues urging President Obama to take action to end the current Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability claims backlog.

“Our men and women in uniform serve our country with honor and courage, putting themselves in harm’s way to protect us,” said Senator Warren. “We have an obligation to do all we can to support our veterans and their families, and the current disabilities claims backlog at the VA is inexcusable. We need to take action now to end the backlog and ensure veterans receive the benefits they deserve.”

More than 600,000 veterans are currently stuck in the VA’s disabilities claims backlog, and face wait times of hundreds of days before receiving their benefits. The Senators’ letter calls for “direct and public involvement” by President Obama to eliminate the backlog and to honor “our commitment to helping all who have served.”

The full text of the letter may be viewed here.
