June 19, 2019

Senator Warren Responds to the Trump Administration’s Inadequate Replacement for the Obama-era Clean Power Plan

Washington, DC – United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) issued the following statement in response to the Environmental Protection Agency finalizing the so-called “Affordable Clean Energy” rule, an inadequate replacement for the Obama Administration’s 2015 Clean Power Plan.
“The climate crisis is endangering our country, our health, our economy, and our national security, while the Trump administration continues to put the profits of corporate polluters over the well-being of Americans,” said Senator Warren. “What we need instead are policies that spur investments in a clean energy economy and ambitiously tackle our climate crisis, economic inequality, and racial injustice.”
Senator Warren strongly opposed the repeal of the Clean Power Plan in 2017, commenting, "The Clean Power Plan is about one thing: stopping big corporations from dumping dangerous amounts of carbon pollution into our air. But this Administration's only priority seems to be stuffing the pockets of Big Oil and Big Coal executives while American families are left to suffer the consequences…”
She has also introduced legislation, the Climate Risk Disclosure Act, to require every public company to disclose critical information about their exposure to climate-related risks. She is an original co-sponsor of the Green New Deal Resolution and the lead sponsor of a bill to require the Department of Defense to adapt its infrastructure and operations to address climate change and improve energy efficiency in order to strengthen military readiness.
