December 22, 2021

Senator Warren, Massachusetts Congressional Delegation Applaud Historic Investments in Massachusetts Roadway Infrastructure

Commonwealth set to receive $804.6 million from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to improve roads, promote safety, and reduce pollution.

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) joined members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation to applaud the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Highway Administration’s announcement of $52.5 billion in funding for infrastructure improvement projects to America’s highways. This is part of DOT’s first tranche of funding following the enactment of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This investment is for Fiscal Year 2022, and Massachusetts will receive $804.6 million as part of this round of funding.

These federal investments will go towards  highway performance improvements, bridge repair, and expanding pedestrian and bicyclist infrastructure, among others. The total funding also includes a dedicated $44.4 million for highway safety improvements, $69.1 million for congestion mitigation and air quality improvement, $18 million for carbon reduction efforts, and $20.5 million for strengthening the resiliency of transportation infrastructure.

“I’m delighted that the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is investing over $800 million into our roads, bridges, and public transportation in Massachusetts,” said Senator Warren. “With this much-needed investment, we’ll repair our crumbling roads and bridges, fight climate change, and improve safety – all while creating good-paying union jobs.” 

“This massive investment into Massachusetts roadways demonstrates the beginning of our physical infrastructure revolution, while starting to solve long-unaddressed safety challenges,” said Senator Edward Markey. “With this funding, we can finally address all too preventable tragedies on our nation’s roads, expand transportation alternatives like biking and walking, reduce traffic congestion for Massachusetts commuters, and begin the process of making our streets cleaner and greener. I am proud of my colleagues and I for securing this investment in the Commonwealth, and I look forward to the opportunities that will be available as we continue to receive additional funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in the years ahead."

“Thanks to the steadfast leadership of President Biden, we are finally—at long last—rebuilding America’s crumbling infrastructure,” said Congressman Jim McGovern. “Massachusetts residents are going to feel the major improvements these funds will make in the form of faster and safer commutes, less traffic, cleaner air, and less pollution. I’m proud of our delegation for playing a key role in the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and for securing these vital funds so we can invest in our future and build a better commonwealth for all.”

“In MA-5 and across our state, we are no strangers to traffic and potholes. The funding from the infrastructure law will reverse decades of neglect and underinvestment and modernize our roads and bridges, decrease commute times, reduce emissions, create jobs and lower costs for families. And, by improving our roadways, we are helping to alleviate the on-going supply chain challenges,” said Congresswoman Katherine Clark. This is a critical piece of the Build Back Better agenda, and Massachusetts will continue to see the impact of the President's vision for a stronger, more sustainable future.”

“The gradual decline in our federal infrastructure investment has resulted in an alarming number of crumbling roads,” said Congressman Richard Neal. “Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we have the opportunity to make quality upgrades to our federal highway system. Drivers will benefit from the improvements and skilled workers will be back on the job to make it a reality.”

“I am proud to have worked alongside Chairman Richie Neal and my Massachusetts Congressional colleagues to secure this critical transportation funding for the Commonwealth,” said Congressman Stephen Lynch.  “These funds are essential to creating a greener transportation system, expanding rail, improving passenger safety and strengthening the climate-change resiliency of our infrastructure.  I am also pleased to see these projects will help reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality, an important benefit for our communities that struggle with high rates of asthma and respiratory disease. I look forward to seeing the transformation of our transportation system and the positive impact it will have on all Massachusetts residents.”

“This welcome investment is long-overdue and will help improve connectivity, make our roads and highways safer, create jobs, and promote environmentally friendly alternatives to driving such as biking,” said Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley. “I look forward to seeing this funding swiftly disbursed and continuing our work to deliver President Biden’s full Build Back Better agenda.”

"If you have traveled through the South Shore or South Coast to get to Cape Cod during the summer, you know firsthand how vital congestion mitigation is," said Congressman Bill Keating. "This first wave of funding from President Biden’s Infrastructure Plan aims to address this issue head-on, and I am glad to see funds arriving so quickly to Massachusetts as we tackle the infrastructure challenges that lay ahead, including the replacement of the Bourne and Sagamore bridges." 

“For decades, roads littered with potholes and in need of repair have made it difficult for Bay Staters to get around,” said Congresswoman Lori Trahan. “The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law changes that. By delivering billions in federal funding to make much-needed upgrades, this critical investment will create jobs, cut down our commute times, and modernize our infrastructure — benefiting every single person here in the Third District and across the Commonwealth.”

“This substantial investment into our roadways will make driving safer; expand access to jobs and services; and help our climate through carbon reduction initiatives,” said Congressman Jake Auchincloss.

“Anyone who drives down a road or bridge here in Massachusetts will tell you that they are often jam packed and in pretty abysmal condition. These conditions cost drivers more than $600 every single year, which is why we must fix our existing roads first, not expand them endlessly,” said Congressman Seth Moulton. “How we invest the money from this bill will determine whether we combat climate change or contribute to it. Investments in roads must reduce greenhouse gas emissions and impacts to air quality from those who remain on the road and be paired with expansion of transit and rail which provide greater environmental gains.” 

Senator Warren has long advocated for improvements to national and state infrastructure with an emphasis on creating green, union jobs: 

  • In December 2021, Senators Warren and Markey, along with Representatives Neal, McGovern, Lynch, Keating, Clark, Moulton, Pressley, Trahan, and Auchincloss announced Massachusetts airports had been allocated over $48 million in federal grants under the Airport Infrastructure Grants under the recently enacted Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The money was invested in runways, taxiways, safety and sustainability projects, as well as terminal, airport-transit connections and roadway projects.
  • In November 2021, Senators Warren and Markey, along with Congressman Keating, were at the White House to join President Biden as he signed the bipartisan infrastructure bill into law. Among its many successes, several provisions within the infrastructure package targeted Canal Bridge Projects, including $14 billion for Infrastructure for Rebuilding America Grants, $12.5 billion for Bridge Investment Grants, $5 billion for Nationally Significant Project Grants, and $7.5 billion Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity Grants, in addition to billions more in new funding made directly available to the Commonwealth and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to help expand their resources for infrastructure projects.
  • In November 2021, Senator Warren joined Senator Ossoff  to introduce the Clean Energy for All Homes Act, legislation that would make it more affordable for families to install energy efficient home technology and save money on their energy bills. The bill would help middle-class and lower-income families afford solar roofs and other renewable energy technology installations by lessening the cost burden of installing these systems.
  • In September of 2021, Senators Warren and Markey announced Massachusetts had received $175 million in American Rescue Plan funding through the Capital Projects Fund to be used towards providing broadband connectivity for the hardest hit communities in the state.
  • In May of 2021, Senator Warren and Congressman Levin introduced the Buy Green Act of 2021, which would establish $1.5 trillion in federal procurement commitments over the next ten years to purchase American-made clean, renewable, and emission-free energy products for federal, state, and local use. The bill would also establish a grant program for U.S. companies to invest in clean energy manufacturing.
  • In March 2021, Senator Warren and Congressman Levin, along with Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), unveiled the BUILD GREEN Infrastructure and Jobs Act. Modeled after the Department of Transportation's successful BUILD grant program, BUILD GREEN would invest $500 billion over ten years in state, local, and tribal projects to jumpstart the transition to all electric public vehicles and rail and help modernize the nation's crumbling infrastructure.
