May 07, 2013

Senator Warren Calls for Repeal of Sequester

Proposed Legislation would End Sequestration by Leveling the Playing Field, Restore Support for Children, Seniors and Veterans

WASHINGTON, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren is advocating for the Job Preservation and Sequester Replacement Act, a bill sponsored by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse that would repeal sequestration by closing corporate tax loopholes and passing the Buffett Rule. This legislation would level the playing field so that middle class families, children and seniors, are no longer supporting tax breaks for millionaires and billion dollar companies.

"Sequestration is ugly.  It attacks our most vulnerable families, while it halts the investments that build our future.  This fight is about economics, but it is also about our values.  I am not willing to stand by while billion dollar corporations benefit from tax breaks and funding for food assistance, education, and medical research is slashed," said Senator Warren. "Republicans and special interests are working together to keep the game rigged in favor of the richest and most powerful corporations.  Head Start, Meals on Wheels, medical research, programs that support our veterans don't have lobbying muscle, but they represent the core of who we are.  I encourage my colleagues to support the Job Preservation and Sequester Replacement Act so that we can repeal the sequester immediately."
