January 25, 2023

Senator Warren and Representative Bowman’s Statement on Biden Administration's Action to Protect Tenants, Make Renting More Affordable

Washington, D.C. – On Wednesday, the Biden administration announced new tenant protections following a letter from Sen. Warren and Rep. Bowman urging action on soaring rent prices. United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY16) released the following joint statement in response:

“The Biden administration's action is an important first step towards protecting tenants’ rights, and we look forward to working with agencies to ensure they’re meeting and strengthening these commitments,” said Senator Warren and Representative Bowman. “For too long, corporations have had free rein to raise rents unchecked, price gouging families and raking in record profits. And for too many families, skyrocketing rental costs keep safe and affordable housing out of reach. We need real action now, and we owe it to families to pursue all options on the table to address the housing crisis and lower the cost of rent.”
