March 16, 2016

Senator Warren's Statement on the Supreme Court Nomination

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren released the following statement today:

"For decades, Chief Judge Merrick Garland has served his country with distinction - as a federal prosecutor, a senior official at the Department of Justice, and a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Along the way, he has won praise from Democratic and Republican Senators, liberals and conservatives - even the Bush-appointed Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

"The confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice is one of the most solemn tasks that our government performs. President Obama has done his job - selecting a nominee and sending that nominee to the Senate - and it's time for the Senate to do its job.

"I look forward to meeting with Chief Judge Garland, reviewing his record closely, coming to a decision on his nomination, and then voting. It is my hope that all Senators will show the American people that they respect the President of the United States, the Constitution, and Chief Judge Garland enough to do the same."




