April 15, 2015

Senator Warren's Remarks on the Anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing

WASHINGTON, DC —United States Senator Elizabeth Warren delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor today:

Mr. President, two years ago today, the people of Boston came face-to-face with terror at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. This cowardly attack and its aftermath took four lives, injured scores more, and forever changed the lives of survivors and their families.

In the face of this horrific terrorist act, Boston responded with courage and community.  Our heroic first responders acted swiftly, and their bravery saved the lives of many. In the days, weeks, and months after the Marathon, families and friends came together to lift each other up, to raise the spirit of our city, and to help us heal.

Now, two years later, Boston continues to move forward, together. A jury reached a verdict that is another step toward justice for victims and their families. The strength and perseverance of survivors continues to inspire us, and our community works to keep alive the memories of Krystle Campbell, Lu Lingzi, Martin Richard, and Sean Collier.

Recently, Mayor Marty Walsh announced that the City of Boston now will recognize April 15th each year as "One Boston Day." One Boston Day is a chance to honor the victims and survivors of the Marathon bombing, and an opportunity for people to give back to the community through acts of service. This day helps us remember that in the face of tragedy and violence, our community responds with an open heart.  

Next Monday, tens of thousands of people from across the nation and around the world once again will come to Massachusetts for the 2015 Boston Marathon.  Our Commonwealth once again will commemorate Patriots' Day with reenactments, baseball, parades and celebrations.

Today, as we mark One Boston Day and the second anniversary of the attack at the Boston Marathon, we recall the spirit of strength and resilience that brought our city and our Commonwealth together, the same spirit of strength and resilience that helps us heal.

As a tribute to honor the victims and survivors of the attack at the 2013 Boston Marathon, I ask my colleagues to join Bostonians in a moment of silence at 2:49 PM today.

Thank you, Mr. President.
