March 04, 2015

Sen. Warren to GOP: Stop Ambushing Workers' Rights and Let the NLRB Do Its Job

Video of Sen. Warren's Remarks Available Here
Full Text Available Here

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a speech on the floor of the United States Senate Tuesday evening, Senator Elizabeth Warren urged Congress to reject a Republican resolution aimed at stopping implementation of the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) new rule to make workplace union elections more efficient and effective.


“Instead of implementing policies that strengthen the middle class, Republicans are pressing a bill to stop a government agency from modernizing its procedures because it might help – yes, help – America’s workers,” the Senator said.  “Republicans claim they’re concerned about workers being able to ‘ambush’ their employers with workplace elections…Let’s be honest – the only ambush here is the Republican ambush on worker’s basic rights.”


Senator Warren continued, “Trying to make government work better shouldn’t be controversial. But it is controversial. Why? Because some employers simply oppose union votes all together. They don’t want the NLRB to work – they don’t want union elections to happen at all – so they are lobbying against these new rules. And Congressional Republicans are standing up for them.”


The Senator concluded, “So it comes down the question I’ve asked before:  who does this Congress work for?  Republicans say government should keep on working for powerful CEOs who don’t like unions and who have figured out how to exploit a tangled system.  Republicans complain about government inefficiencies, but then they introduce a bill that is specifically designed so that a broken, inefficient system will stay broken and inefficient—even when we know how to fix it.  Well we weren’t sent here just to represent CEOs who don’t like unions.  We’re here to support working people who just want a fighting chance to level the playing field.   I urge my colleagues to vote against this Resolution and let the NLRB do its job.”

