October 04, 2018

Sen. Warren Boston Globe Op-Ed with Denise Morency Gannon & Patrick Gannon: Judge Kavanaugh is a pro-gun judicial extremist

"...Every American who cares about keeping our communities safe from gun violence should be concerned by Judge Kavanaugh's record on gun safety."

Washington, DC - In a joint op-ed published by the Boston Globe, United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), along with Denise Morency Gannon and Patrick Gannon, the parents of slain Yarmouth police sergeant Sean Gannon, spoke out against the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the United States Supreme Court.  In the op-ed, the authors outlined Judge Kavanaugh's troubling judicial record on gun safety and argued that if confirmed, he would undermine efforts to end gun violence in our communities by ruling to overturn common-sense gun laws.

On April 12, 2018, Sergeant Sean Gannon of the Yarmouth Police Department was shot and killed in the line of duty.  Senator Warren honored Sergeant Gannon in a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate in May.

Boston Globe Op-Ed: Judge Kavanaugh is a pro-gun judicial extremist
By Denise Morency Gannon, Patrick Gannon and Elizabeth Warren
October 3, 2018

Judge Brett Kavanaugh's partisan and openly disrespectful testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week raised serious questions about his judicial temperament and fitness to serve as a judge. There are many reasons Judge Kavanaugh does not deserve a promotion to our highest court, but it's his disregard for common-sense gun safety that hits closest to home for people who have lost loved ones, friends, or colleagues to gun violence.

On April 12, 2018, Denise and Patrick's son, K9 Sergeant Sean Gannon, was shot and murdered in the line of duty. Law-enforcement officers like Sean risk their lives each day and night to keep the public safe. Their work is made exponentially harder and more dangerous by the weapons of war that have flooded our communities.

Republicans are on the cusp of confirming to the Supreme Court a nominee with a radical interpretation of the Second Amendment, a judge who has refused to acknowledge the difference between a handgun or hunting rifle safely stored in someone's home and an assault weapon that can kill dozens of people in seconds. Instead, his judicial opinions indicate he believes the Second Amendment guarantees Americans the right to have access to AR-15 style rifles - the same kinds of guns used to commit mass murders in Parkland, Fla., and at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.


Experts have warned that, if given the opportunity to serve on the Supreme Court, Judge Kavanaugh would undermine progress toward greater gun safety in states across this country by voting to overturn these laws. UCLA law professor Adam Winkler says Judge Kavanaugh "thinks there is little room for constitutionally permissible gun control." Trevor Burrus, a research fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute, has said it is likely Judge Kavanaugh would join Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch to strike down regulations like 10-day waiting periods before gun licenses are issued.


We want to honor Sean's memory and the memories of countless individuals who have been killed or permanently harmed by gun violence by fighting for meaningful steps and safeguards to stop the scourge of gun violence plaguing our communities.

Read the full op-ed on the Boston Globe website here.
