May 23, 2013

Sen. Warren Applauds Unanimous Approval of Pharmaceutical Compounding Bill by HELP Committee

WASHINGTON, DC – United States Senator Elizabeth Warren today praised the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee’s unanimous approval on Wednesday of legislation that would strengthen regulation of pharmaceutical compounding. Sen. Warren is a cosponsor of the bill. 

Massachusetts was home to New England Compounding Center, the compounding pharmacy responsible for a fungal meningitis outbreak that killed 53 people and made 733 ill. The outbreak resulted in part from long-standing failures of government regulation, lack of coordination between state and federal oversight, and lack of clarity in the existing guidelines.

Senator Warren released the following statement on the approval of the legislation by the HELP Committee:

“I applaud the HELP committee for unanimously approving legislation to strengthen oversight of pharmaceutical compounding and protect people from unsafe drugs. It is time for Congress to act to prevent tragedies like this from happening again.

“The last time the HELP Committee introduced legislation on compounding pharmacies, the late Senator Ted Kennedy was leading the fight along with Senator Pat Roberts.  I take the duty to carry on Senator Kennedy’s legacy as a champion for patients very seriously as the senior Senator from Massachusetts. I am proud to be a cosponsor of this bill, and I will continue fighting to ensure it is signed into law.”
