July 20, 2018

Massachusetts Congressional Delegation Announces $1.4 Million in Grants to Massachusetts Fire Departments

Washington, DC - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey, along with Representatives Richard E. Neal, Mike Capuano, Stephen F. Lynch, and Niki Tsongas, announced today that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded five fire departments in Massachusetts nearly $1.4 million in federal grants.  The funding, which was awarded through FEMA's Assistance to Firefighter Grants (AFG) program, will help provide the critical resources required to train and equip emergency personnel in order to meet official standards, increase efficiency and interoperability, and help make departments and the communities they serve more resilient. 

The FEMA fire grants awarded today to Massachusetts fire departments include:

  • $578,215 to the Brockton Fire Department for a firefighter breathing apparatus and an air refill station.
  • $158,182 to the Chelsea Fire Department for driver/operator training.
  • $521,274 to the Dennis Fire Department for firefighter protective gear and communications equipment.
  • $16,364 to the Lawrence Fire Department for driver/operator training.
  • $81,334 to the Three Rivers Fire Department for a firefighter breathing apparatus.

"Massachusetts firefighters put their lives on the line day in and day out to keep our families safe, and they deserve our full support," said Senator Warren. "These federal grants will help our brave first responders by ensuring our local fire departments have the training and equipment they need to carry out their mission and continue protecting our communities."

"Our firefighters bravely answer the call to protect our residents every day as they respond to emergencies in our communities," said Senator Markey. "Firefighters deserve the best available equipment so that they can efficiently and effectively ensure the safety and security of our cities and towns. I am grateful for their hard work and dedication, and I commend each of these fire departments for pursuing these critical federal funds."

"This is tremendous news for the Three Rivers Fire Department in the Town of Palmer," said Congressman Richard E. Neal. "The fact that a volunteer department was able to secure federal funding of this magnitude is really a testament to the dedication of the grant writers, especially when you think of all the other departments that apply for these kinds of grants. The new breathing apparatus that will be purchased with these monies will ensure the safety of all the firefighters, whether they are working in the Town of Palmer or providing mutual aid to one of the neighboring communities."

"Our firefighters understand that their job is a dangerous one, yet they are committed to helping keep our communities safe and it's important to support them in every way we can. This grant funding will help the City of Chelsea fund crucial operator training as well as other important initiatives in the state," stated Congressman Mike Capuano.

"As the responsibilities of firefighters in Massachusetts and across the country grow more complicated, it is critical that they have the resources necessary to meet the shifting needs of their communities," said Congressman Stephen F. Lynch. "I am grateful to Chief Michael Williams for his tremendous leadership of the Brockton Fire Department, and to Senators Markey and Warren for their help securing this grant. It will make a substantial impact on our efforts to keep our firefighters and the City of Brockton safe."

"Ensuring our fire departments have equipment that protects firefighters' health is critical to their mission," said Congresswoman Tsongas. "The Lawrence Fire Department received these needed federal funds through a competitive grant process, which speaks to both the quality of their applications and the Department in general. Given the constraints on state and local budgets, competitive grant funds such as these help to maintain public safety in our communities and provide first responders with access to the resources they need to save lives. Our volunteer and career firefighters sacrifice a great deal to protect our communities and it is our duty to provide them with the equipment, staffing and training they need to keep their departments running safely and efficiently."

More information about FEMA's fire grant programs is available here.
