September 07, 2018

Mass. Lawmakers Announce Nearly $4.5 Million in Federal Grants to Massachusetts Fire Departments

Quincy NFPA Awarded Approximately $1.5Million in Federal Funds

Washington, DC - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey, along with Representatives Richard E. Neal, Stephen F. Lynch, Niki Tsongas, William Keating, Joseph P. Kennedy III, Katherine Clark and Seth Moulton, announced today that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded twenty-seven fire departments in Massachusetts nearly $4.5 million in federal grants.  The Fire Protection Research Foundation in Quincy was awarded $1.5 million through the Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) program, while twenty-four fire departments received funding through the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program.  Additionally, two fire departments were awarded funding through the Staffing for Adequate & Fire Emergency Response (SAFER) program.

The Fire Protection Research Foundation in Quincy, MA received the following FP&S grant:
  • $1,488,271 to study the cleaning / decontamination of structural firefighting protective clothing.
The AFG grants were awarded to fire departments in the following cities and towns:
  • Ayer, MA - $23,170 for driver/operator training.
  • Brewster, MA - $190,023 for ambulance stretcher loading systems.
  • Brookline, MA - $45,455 for an air compressor / air refill station.
  • Cheshire, MA - $34, 329 for vehicle extrication equipment.
  • Dudley, MA. - $215,768 for firefighter breathing apparatus.
  • East Bridgewater, MA - $185,875 for firefighter breathing apparatus.
  • Gloucester, MA - $145,454 for ambulance stretcher loading systems.
  • Goshen, MA - $90,667 for firefighter breathing apparatus.
  • Halifax, MA - $136,000 for firefighter breathing apparatus.
  • Hamilton, MA - $13,810 for a protective gear washer and dryer.
  • Hancock, MA - $80,000 for firefighter breathing apparatus.
  • Hanover, MA - $89,593 for mobile radios.
  • Harwich, MA - $70,866 for nozzles and appliances.
  • Kingston, MA - $76,907 for portable radios.
  • Milton, MA - $116,000 for structural firefighting protective gear.
  • Norfolk, MA - $171,429 for firefighter breathing apparatus.
  • North Adams, MA - $14,524 for vehicle extrication equipment.
  • North Attleboro, MA - $137,091 for firefighter breathing apparatus.
  • Sandwich, MA - $80,755 for firefighting hose and nozzles.
  • Somerset, MA - $166,667 for firefighter breathing apparatus.
  • Southwick, MA - $58,564 for an air compressor / air refill station.
  • Rockport, MA - $28,572 for a protective gear washer and dryer.
  • Townsend, MA - $53,334 for paramedic training.
  • Whitman, MA - $233,144 for firefighter breathing apparatus.
The SAFER grants were awarded to fire departments in the following cities and towns:
  • Cohasset, MA - $313,013 to hire 2 new firefighters.
  • Sherborn, MA - $169,855 to hire 1 new firefighter.
"Massachusetts firefighters and first responders, who put their lives on the line daily to keep our families safe, deserve our full support," said Senator Elizabeth Warren. "I'm grateful for their service and glad that these grants will send needed federal resources to help our firefighters carry out their mission and continue protecting our communities."

"From the opioid crisis, to storm control, to firefighting, our first responders protect our families every day and are the first to run into danger to keep us safe," said Senator Edward J. Markey. "These federal resources will ensure they have the resources and support they need to keep Massachusetts cities and towns safe and secure. This is the very least we can provide to the brave men and women August who protect our families and make us proud."
"The Fire Departments of Cheshire, Dudley, Goshen and North Adams in western Massachusetts will benefit greatly from these timely grants from FEMA. I congratulate these communities for their hard work and leadership in securing this federal assistance. The brave men and women who serve as firefighters and first responders in our state deserve the resources necessary to do their jobs effectively. These important  grants will keep their cities and towns safe," said Congressman Richard E. Neal.

"These federal fire grants for East Bridgewater, Milton, Whitman, Cohasset and Quincy will provide our dedicated firefighters with critical protective gear, additional personnel and increased safety research that will protect our first responders as they carry out their mission of protecting our communities," said Congressman Stephen F. Lynch. "I commend the Chief Timothy Harhen of the East Bridgewater Fire Department, Interim Chief Joe Jackson of the Quincy Fire Department, Chief John J. Grant of the Milton Fire Department, Chief Timothy Grenno of the Whitman Fire Department and Chief Robert Silvia of the Cohasset Fire Department for their strong leadership and in ensuring that our firefighters and have the equipment and resources necessary to safely do their jobs and keep our families safe. I would also like to thank Senator Warren and Senator Markey for their work in helping to secure these important grants."   

"The Ayer and Townsend Fire Departments received these needed federal funds through a competitive grant process, which speaks to both the quality of their applications and the Departments in general," said Congresswoman Niki Tsongas. "Given the constraints on state and local budgets, competitive grant funds such as these help to maintain public safety in our communities and provide first responders with access to the resources they need to save lives. Our volunteer and career firefighters sacrifice a great deal to protect our communities and it is our duty to provide them with the equipment, staffing and training they need to keep their departments running safely and efficiently."

"I am grateful that fire departments in our district are getting over $600,000," said Congressman Bill Keating. "These grants will help our first responders communicate, coordinate, and confront the emergencies that unfortunately face our communities every day.  I congratulate all the departments on these grants and their continued good work."

"As stewards of our safety, firefighters risk life and limb to protect our neighborhoods day and night," said Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy III. "With this increased federal funding, the Brookline, Norfolk, North Attleboro and Somerset Fire Departments can continue their excellent community care. I congratulate these departments on this well-deserved grant."

"Our fire fighters play an integral role in maintaining the safety and stability of our communities," said Congresswoman Katherine Clark.  "I am incredibly grateful to FEMA for making this investment in the Sherborn Fire Departments and keeping our first responders safe."

"Municipal budgets are spread thin, often leaving our firefighters, police officers, and first responders inadequately prepared for the challenges they come across every day," said Congressman Seth Moulton. "These men and women are on the front lines of the opioid crisis and are the ones pulling flood victims from fast moving water. We owe it to them to keep them safe from exposure to carcinogens and toxins; something as simple as these specialized washing machines help with that fight. With additional resources and personnel, they will be better protected as they go about their work to keep us safe."
