October 21, 2020

Mass. Lawmakers Announce $16 Million Economic Development Grant for the New Bedford Port Authority

Washington, DC - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Edward J. Markey (D-MA), along with Representative William Keating (D-MA-09), announced that the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) has awarded a federal grant of $16,000,000 to the City of New Bedford, Massachusetts. The funding, which will support infrastructure improvements to protect the Port of New Bedford from future floods and severe weather events, is expected to create 40 jobs, save 378 existing jobs, and leverage $4 million in private investment.

"This federal grant is fantastic news for the Commonwealth and for the City of New Bedford," said Senator Warren. "Ensuring the Port of New Bedford is protected from the future impacts of natural disasters and climate change will allow for continued economic success and growth in New Bedford and across the South Coast region."

"New Bedford has a rich history and is consistently ranked by NOAA as the most valuable commercial fishing port in the country," said Senator Markey. "This federal investment in New Bedford will allow for critical pier repairs and will also greatly expand the available areas for commercial fishing berthing and offshore wind development. These funds will help ensure that New Bedford's iconic working port will continue to grow, that we deploy clean energy solutions, and that Massachusetts's tradition of innovation endures."

"The Port of New Bedford has been an economic engine in Southeastern New England for centuries, and these funds will ensure that the port continues to have the infrastructure necessary to support our nation's most valuable fishing port and the hub of the U.S. offshore wind industry," said Congressman Bill Keating. "I am grateful to EDA for their investment in the New Bedford Port Authority and their continued support for job creation opportunities on the South Coast."

"The EDA grant, along with the matching funds from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the New Bedford Port Authority, represent another major step in our effort to modernize the Port of New Bedford and maintain its standing as America's leading commercial fishing port and the economic hub of Southeastern Massachusetts," said New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell.  "Enhancing the resilience of port infrastructure is central to both our economic development strategy and climate adaptation efforts, and that is exactly what this grant will do."

"We're ecstatic about this grant award from the EDA, which is the largest federal award in the port's history" said New Bedford Port Authority CEO and Port Director, Ed Anthes-Washburn. "As the nation's #1 fishing port, the Port of New Bedford hosts vessels from around the East Coast on our docks.  This funding will allow the port to develop existing and new port infrastructure with an eye toward resiliency, while also bringing jobs and economic development to the Commonwealth."

More information on the EDA's grant and investment process can be found here.
