April 17, 2013

Letter from Senator Elizabeth Warren on the Tragedy in Boston

Each year, during the Boston Marathon, Bostonians are one family. We cheer for each other. We help each other across the finish line.

Marathon Monday is always a day of great celebration, but two days ago it was turned into tragedy.

When terror strikes, we are one family. We cry together. We pray together. We help each other together.

On Monday, on Boylston Street and throughout Boston, people helped however they could. They carried each other, opened their homes, and gave comfort and support to those in need. Stranger, friend, or neighbor, it didn't matter. In Boston, we are one family.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those we have lost, with those who have been hurt, and with the families of the victims. We grieve together for the members of this city, this family - that we have lost.

We are grateful to all the first responders, to the fire fighters, to the police officers, to the medical professionals, to everyone on the scene, including the volunteers who didn't wait to be asked, but jumped right in to help those in trouble.

We also give our support to law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and investigators, who will spare no effort to identify who did this - and to bring them to justice.

If you need crisis counseling, have a tip for investigators, or want further information or resources, please click here to visit the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency's website.

The people of Boston, like the marathoners, are resilient and resourceful. We cannot be broken by a cowardly act of terror. We will come back from this.

May God be with us.


[Elizabeth Warren]

Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator