October 12, 2020

ICYMI: Senator Warren Rolling Stone Op-Ed: How to Honor RBG's Legacy - and the Dangers of Confirming Amy Coney Barrett

Read full op-ed here

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) published an op-ed in Rolling Stone honoring Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and discussing the threat to health care for tens of millions of Americans if Republicans ram through a Supreme Court nomination 22 days before the election. 

Key sections below. Read the full op-ed here

I remember when I was a young mother and I was at Rutgers, trying something as seemingly outlandish as going to law school. It was a really lonely undertaking. But Ruth was an example of a woman who made it, and even better, a woman who was fighting for other women. Ruth had just left the faculty to teach at Columbia Law School when I got to Rutgers, but the women - and the men - all knew her. We knew she was going to change the world. And she did. 


We must honor Ruth's "fervent wish." If we don't, we risk our rights being snatched away by another right-wing lurch of the Supreme Court. We know exactly what Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, is being picked to do: complete a decades-long assault on our judiciary by billionaires, giant corporations, and right-wing extremists to tilt the courts in their favor and against everyone else.


The list of what is at stake if Republicans get their way is truly staggering. But let me give just one example that will have a massive impact on tens of millions of Americans. The Supreme Court will hear arguments just days after the election on whether the Affordable Care Act should be overturned. If Justice Ginsburg is replaced with a Mitch McConnell-Donald Trump choice, the five-four decision that saved health care will be overturned. And here's what that would mean: Insurance companies will be allowed to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. Insurance companies will be able to charge women more simply because they are women. Medicaid will be gutted. And if you are one of the millions of Americans who has had Covid-19 and survived? Covid could become your pre-existing condition, and insurance companies will be able to deny coverage because of it.


If this feels personal, that's because it is. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a personal hero for me and for millions of other women. She was a woman who never let any man silence her. The most fitting tribute to her is to refuse to be silenced and to stop Donald Trump and Senate Republicans from stealing her Supreme Court seat.
