December 21, 2018

Farm Bill Includes Key Warren, Markey Provisions

Warren and Markey Also Condemn Trump Administration Work Requirements for SNAP

Washington, DC - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) applauded the final passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, which President Trump signed into law yesterday. The bill enacts legislation co-sponsored by Senator Warren, the Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives Act. 

"The 2018 Farm Bill makes important investments to sustain small farmers, promote organic agriculture, support tribal businesses, combat climate change, and encourage healthy nutrition. I'm proud to support this bill, because it represents a genuine bipartisan agreement to reject toxic anti-environmental riders and preserve access to SNAP benefits. However, the news that President Trump intends to impose stricter work requirements on SNAP beneficiaries is troubling. Senator Markey and I will fight this proposal every step of the way," said Senator Warren. 

"The 2018 Farm Bill demonstrates a clear bipartisan commitment to support farmers, promote agriculture research, and ensure environmental protections. The legislation will safeguard access to healthy foods for years to come, and is an integral part in our continued fight against climate change. While this bill represents a win for millions across America, the Trump administration swiftly announced its attempt to restrict access to SNAP benefits upon signing the legislation into law. The fight to protect SNAP accessibility does not end here, and I will work to ensure the program remains strong and that those who need it will have access to these benefits without cruel restrictions," said Senator Markey.

The bipartisan package contains other key provisions sought by Warren and Markey, including:

  • Programs to improve water quality and soil health;
  • Investments in climate-smart agriculture practices;
  • Improvements to the Dairy Margin Coverage program;
  • Measures to expand high-speed internet access in rural communities;
  • Investments in bio-based manufacturing;
  • Investments in local foods, value-added agricultural production, and organics;
  • Measures to promote access to and encourage healthy nutrition.

While the Farm Bill contains several positive steps forward, the Trump Administration announced it would go around Congress to force stricter work requirements on SNAP recipients, hurting some of our most vulnerable individuals. Senators Warren and Markey opposed such requirements in the Farm Bill and condemn the Trump Administration for proposing to institute them in SNAP.
