July 04, 2018

Elizabeth Warren Returns from Iraq and Kuwait

Boston, MA – United States Senator Elizabeth Warren is returning to Massachusetts after a three-day CODEL to Iraq and Kuwait. In Kuwait, she visited with the Massachusetts Army National Guard. In Iraq, she joined Senator Lindsey Graham for a tour of Mosul and a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister al-Abadi. She spent 4th of July with servicemembers in Iraq and attended the U.S. Embassy's 4th of July reception. Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren This July 4th, I’m on my way back to Massachusetts from Iraq and Kuwait, where I visited with our troops on the ground – including soldiers from the Massachusetts Army National Guard. Our men and women in uniform are truly extraordinary.

Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren I joined @LindseyGrahamSC in Iraq for a tour of Mosul. The city was controlled by ISIS until a year ago, when Iraqi Security Forces liberated it with US support. Much of the city is still in ruins, but the Iraqis are working hard to rebuild.

Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren I met with Ambassador Silliman and several Foreign Service Officers at the US embassy in Baghdad. Our diplomats abroad are our eyes and ears on the ground in some of the world's most challenging places – and they often put their lives on the line as well.

Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren I met with Iraqi Prime Minister al-Abadi. We discussed Iraq's recent elections, our countries’ joint commitment to defeating ISIS and combating terrorism in the region, and our shared desire to build a better life for the Iraqi people.

Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren Our military support played a significant role in enabling the Iraqi Security Forces to retake their country – but only the Iraqis can do the hard work needed to rebuild and prevent extremist threats from reemerging. They need the world's support in this effort.

Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren I’m grateful to each of our servicemembers for the sacrifices they make to keep our country safe. And I’m honored to have celebrated this Independence Day with these brave men and women.
