June 12, 2014

Congressional Delegation Announces $638K In Fire Grants To Mass.

WASHINGTON, DC - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey, and Representatives Richard Neal, John Tierney, Michael Capuano, Niki Tsongas, and Joe Kennedy III announced today that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded a total of $638,817 in grants to eight Massachusetts fire departments through the Assistance to Firefighter Grant (AFG) program. The grants were awarded to the North Reading Fire Department, Quincy Fire Department, Dalton Fire Department, Marlborough Fire Department, Freetown Fire Department, Georgetown Massachusetts Fire Department, Town of Watertown Fire Department, and Clinton Fire Department.

"Our firefighters work tirelessly every day to protect our communities and keep our families safe," said Senator Warren. "These grants will help ensure firefighters across the Commonwealth have the resources they need to do their jobs safely and effectively."

"Thanks to these important FEMA grants, fire departments across Massachusetts will have the tools and support they need to keep our communities and residents safe," said Senator Markey. "Strengthening our fire departments' resources is a public service priority, and funding like this will ensure we put our first responders first."

"I am very pleased that the Dalton Fire Department received this important grant from FEMA to purchase new equipment. Chief Cahalan and his team do an outstanding job each day keeping their community safe. They deserve to have all the resources necessary to continue to do their job effectively. This timely federal assistance will be a great benefit to the entire department," said Congressman Richard E. Neal.

"I am pleased that the Towns of North Reading and Georgetown will be receiving important federal funding for their local fire departments," said Congressman John Tierney. "Today's grants bring the total amount our district has received in fire grants since 2001 to over $20 million. Ensuring that our local fire fighters have the resources necessary to keep our community safe has always been a top priority of mine. These grants will provide Chief Beardsley in Georgetown and Chief Warnock in North Reading with much needed resources to help keep their communities safe. As local communities across the district face tough budgetary decisions, federal AFG grants help to keep our local firefighters safe."

"Fire fighters constantly put their lives at risk to rescue people and save property," said Congressman Capuano. "I am pleased federal funding is available to assist these fire departments in purchasing necessary equipment."

"These Fire Departments received these needed federal funds through a competitive grant process, which speaks to both the quality of their applications and the Departments in general. Given the constraints on state and local budgets, competitive grant funds such as these help to maintain public safety in our communities and provide first responders with access to the resources they need to save lives. Our volunteer and career firefighters sacrifice a great deal to protect our communities and it is our duty to provide them with the equipment and training they need to keep their departments running safely and efficiently," said Congresswoman Niki Tsongas.

"Firefighters serve as the backbone of any community in which they serve. They answer the call day or night, rain or shine, to keep our families safe," said Congressman Kennedy. "These AFG grants will help improve the operations and safety of the Freetown Fire Department, and I congratulate Chief Gary Silvia and his department on earning this award."

The following grants were announced today:

  • North Reading Fire Department, North Reading, MA - Federal Share: $19,000.00 for 8 sets of Turn Out Gear.
  • Quincy Fire Department - Quincy, MA - Federal Share: 85,230.00 for Protective Turnout Gear.
  • Dalton Fire Department - Dalton, MA - Federal Share: $15,732.00 for Fire Hose & Nozzles.
  • Marlborough Fire Department - Operations & Safety - Federal Share: $22,500.00 for an Air Refill Station.
  • Freetown Fire Department - East Freetown, MA - Federal Share: $7,600.00 for an Air Refill Station.
  • Georgetown Massachusetts Fire Department - Georgetown, MA - Federal Share: $23,750.00 to purchase Hydraulic Rescue Tools.
  • Town of Watertown Fire Department - Watertown, MA - Federal Share: $186,750.00 for 83 Sets of Turn Out Gear.
  • Clinton Fire Department - Clinton, MA - Federal Share: $278,255.00 for a Station Diesel Exhaust System and 30 Firefighter Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).

The AFG program is administered by FEMA to ensure that local fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency medical service organizations have the resources and equipment they need to protect communities and emergency personnel from fires and other related hazards. More information on the AFG program is available here.
