January 19, 2017

Baldwin, Stabenow, Warren, Merkley and Markey Introduce Legislation to Withdraw from TPP

Senators hold President-elect Trump accountable to American workers; Trump pledged to withdraw from TPP on first day of presidency, legislation would require U.S. withdrawal from TPP

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Ed Markey (D-MA) introduced legislation to require the President to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to withdraw from TPP on "Day One" of his presidency. This legislation would hold Trump accountable to this campaign promise to American workers.

"TPP is a bad deal for American workers. Instead of creating an even playing field, this deal increases the global race to the bottom in worker pay. American manufacturing jobs will continue to go abroad as Buy America rules are further eroded. The agreement gives foreign companies the ability to challenge American laws in secret international courts. Negotiated behind closed doors, TPP reflects the desires of multinational corporations, not the Wisconsin workers who will have to live with its consequences," said Senator Baldwin. "President-elect Trump repeatedly promised to withdraw from TPP, in fact he made a pledge to do it on Friday. He must be held accountable to this pledge and he needs to keep his word to American workers."

"This trade deal doesn't crack down on countries that manipulate their currency or enforce protections for American jobs," said Senator Stabenow. "President Elect Trump should withdraw from the deal and keep his promise to workers in Michigan and across the country."

"Working families have been on the losing side of America's trade deals for too long," said Senator Warren. "From weak labor standards to toothless enforcement provisions and special private courts for multinational corporations, TPP was a lousy deal. Throwing out the TPP is a first step in resetting our trade agenda."

"Americans have said ‘no' to the job-killing TPP, and it's time for Congress and the Trump Administration to formally reject it too," said Senator Merkley. "We need trade that's on a level playing field, not unfair trade deals that are stacked against American manufacturers and workers."

"TPP has always really stood for Taking Peoples' Pay. We don't need trade deals that ship American workers' rights overseas along with their good paying jobs. We need trade deals that increase wages, protect workers' rights, safeguard our environment, and don't go around the U.S. courts. If President-elect Trump once again changes his position on a campaign pledge and doesn't follow through on his repeated promise to withdraw from TPP, this bill will force him to do so," said Senator Markey.

The legislation would require the President to provide the countries involved in TPP a written notice of withdrawal on the day the legislation is enacted. The TPP withdrawal legislation would also prevent TPP from being considered in Congress under trade promotion authority (TPA), which allows a "fast-track" to approval for the trade agreement. Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) has introduced companion legislation in the House. Text of the Senate legislation is available here.

An online version of this release is available here.