March 20, 2014

Warren, Markey, Neal Announce $1 Million Fire Grant to Holyoke

WASHINGTON, DC - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey, and Congressman Richard Neal announced today that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded the Holyoke Fire Department a $1,069,048 grant through the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant program.

"This major SAFER grant is great news for Holyoke, and I applaud Chief Pond and Mayor Morse for their efforts to get this significant funding," said Senator Warren. "Our firefighters put their lives on the line every day to protect our families, and this SAFER grant recognizes their outstanding service and commitment. It will help ensure that the Holyoke fire department has the resources it needs to keep our community safe."

"Thanks to this critical SAFER grant the Holyoke Fire Department will have the resources it needs to keep the community safe and secure," said Senator Markey. "Supporting our fire departments who are on the front lines of protecting our neighborhoods is a priority, and I applaud Mayor Morse and Chief Pond and local officials for their leadership securing this vital funding,"

"I am very pleased that the Holyoke Fire Department has received this sizable grant from FEMA. This federal assistance will provide these courageous first responders with the resources they need to keep their community safe from fire hazards," said Congressman Neal.

The Holyoke Fire Department received a $668,000 grant from the program last April. The SAFER grant program is administered by FEMA to ensure that local fire departments and volunteer fire organizations have sufficient numbers of trained firefighters in their communities. More information about the SAFER program is available here.
