August 18, 2020

Trump COVID-19 Watch

Washington, DC - Elizabeth Warren is continuing her oversight of the Trump Administration's COVID-19 response. We're seeing COVID-19 death tolls of more than 1,000 Americans per day, and unemployment rates are at the highest levels in decades. President Donald Trump's failure to lead has allowed the virus to spread and put millions of Americans' lives and livelihoods at risk. 

Senator Warren criticized the CDC for declining to use its authority to stem the surge of COVID-19 as it spreads out of control. "With more than 5 million cases, 166,000 Americans dead, and out of control surges in states and cities across the country, the CDC needs to get off the sidelines and use its power to save lives - and most importantly, President Trump needs to get out of its way."

Senator Warren, a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services (SASC),Ranking Member of SASC Senator Jack Reed, and their colleagues raised concerns about the Pentagon's efforts to protect military personnel and detainees from COVID-19 at Guantanamo

Senator Warren led the Massachusetts delegation reiterating ongoing concerns regarding access to PPE in Massachusetts and across the country and to asked about the agency's plans to centralize and stabilize the supply and distribution chains for all equipment necessary to protect frontline workers as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

Senators Warren and Markey requested an update on CDC's efforts to support state and local public health efforts to control the spread of EEE amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Senator Warren led the Massachusetts delegation in calling on the Trump Administration to  fully fund COVID-19 response for Tribal Nations in Massachusetts. 

Senator Warren and Co-Chair of the Black Maternal Health Caucus Representative Lauren Underwood introduced legislation to combat the maternal mortality and morbidity crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Senator Warren, Representative Pressley, and their colleagues introduced legislation to require the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the United States Marshals Service, and state governments to collect and publicly report detailed data about COVID-19 in federal, state, and local correctional facilities.

UPCOMING: Senator Warren will be probing why Kodak got a $765 million deal from the Trump Administration to produce generic drug ingredients in response to COVID-19.