August 06, 2020

Trump COVID-19 Watch

Washington, DC - Senator Elizabeth Warren is continuing her oversight of the Trump Administration's COVID-19 response. We're seeing COVID-19 death tolls of more than 1,000 Americans per day, and unemployment rates are at the highest levels since the Great Depression. President Donald Trump's failure to lead has allowed the virus to spread and put millions of Americans' lives and livelihoods at risk. 

Senator Warren called on the SEC to investigate potential insider trading that occurred before the announcement of the Trump Administration's $765 million COVID-19 pharmaceutical deal with Kodak. Reports following her request indicate that the SEC is investigating this matter. 

As the President falsely claimed that children were "virtually immune" to COVID-19 and pushed for schools to reopen, saying the virus would magically "go away like things go away," Senator Warren and Rep. Levin requested all correspondence between the CDC, the Department of Education, and the White House to determine if the CDC's recently updated guidelines for reopening schools were influenced by political pressure from President Trump, Vice President Pence, or other administration political appointees. 

Senators Warren and Brown criticized Fed Vice Chair Quarles' "outrageous and irresponsible" lobbying for regulatory favors for big banks in the new COVID-19 relief package. 

  • Senators Warren and Schatz also raised concerns about the Fed's lack of transparency and inaction to improve stability in the banking system following recent Fed "sensitivity analyses" that showed banks may be vulnerable to losses during the COVID-19-driven recession.

Senators Warren and Murphy urged the FTC to protect workers by restricting non-compete agreements during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

UPCOMING: Senator Warren will be probing efforts by President Trump and Postmaster General Louis Dejoy to undermine the postal service, delaying deliveries of Social Security checks, prescription drugs, and other everyday mail -- and make it harder to vote safely during COVID-19. 
