July 01, 2020

Trump COVID-19 Watch

Washington, DC - Elizabeth Warren is continuing her oversight of the Trump Administration's COVID-19 response. Government delivers best when its actions are fair, transparent and accountable. But President Donald Trump's approach to this crisis doesn't reflect those values.

Senator Warren questioned why the Republican-led Senate HELP Committee is preparing for the "next pandemic" when America is still unprepared for the current COVID-19 crisis - with cases rising every day. 

Senators Warren and Booker opened an investigation into meatpackers' manipulation of the COVID-19 crisis to threaten consumers with shortages while raising prices and exploiting workers. The Trump Administration re-opened plants after declaring them "critical infrastructure." 

Senator Warren called on private equity lobbyists to stop lobbying for federal bailout funds and requested information on their communications with Treasury and White House officials, including Jared Kushner. 

Senator Warren questioned Fed Chair Powell on the impact of the Fed's policy decisions on racial inequality following Powell's confirmation to Warren that the racial gaps in COVID-19 recovery are "not a healthy feature of our economy." 

Senator Warren led her colleagues in questioning the DOJ decision to reopen immigration courts and resume hearings during COVID-19, potentially putting participants at risk. 

TODAY: Senators Warren will participate in the Senate HELP hearing with Dr. Fauci, CDC Director Redfield, Admiral Giroir, and Dr. Hahn. 

THIS WEEK, Senator Warren will be releasing new information about COVID-19 in assisted living facilities. 
