May 30, 2018

TIME: Trump’s New Proposal Is Another Attempt by the Government to Control Women’s Bodies

The Trump Administration is trying to turn back the clock on women's healthcare and reproductive rights.
Last week, the president proposed reviving a Reagan-era rule that targets the Title X family planning program. The rule is a multi-pronged attack on women. First, it threatens Title X patients' access to medically accurate information by restricting what providers can tell patients about abortion services - even when patients directly ask for that information. Second, it loosens Title X's quality standards, making it easier for unqualified providers - like deceptive crisis pregnancy centers - to take part in the program. And third, it deliberately targets Planned Parenthood, one of the largest providers of Title X services. Title X doesn't fund abortions and never has. But the rule would require Title X providers that perform abortions to do so in "physically separate facilities"- raising providers' costs in an effort to force them out of the program.
Let's be clear: the gag rule the president has proposed is not about improving women's health care. Title X health clinics provide birth control, cancer screenings and HIV tests to over four million Americans. In 2016 alone, Title X health centers provided 720,000 medical exams for women, nearly one million breast exams and over one million HIV tests. The president's new rule would put much of this life-saving care at risk. The impact of the rule will fall hardest on women who are already struggling. The overwhelming majority of Title X patients have family incomes below the federal poverty level and many don't have health insurance.
The new Title X rule is right-wing ideology disguised as health policy. President Trump and Vice President Pence are trying to control women and shut down Planned Parenthood and other Title X providers that offer critical reproductive healthcare. They may think they've won this battle, but when it comes to the fight for reproductive rights, we will not be silenced - we will march, we will protest and we will persist.

Read the full op-ed on the Time Magazine website here.

By:  Senator Elizabeth Warren
Source: TIME