May 08, 2020

WGBH: Warren, Pressley Push For More Community Health Center Funding

More than 100 Democratic members of Congress sent a letter to the top leaders of the House and Senate Thursday urging they support additional funding for the nation’s community health centers.

The 139 senators and representatives, led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, both of Massachusetts, along with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, requested an immediate infusion of $7.6 billion in emergency funding and $77.3 billion to secure the long-term finances of community health centers.

“Throughout this pandemic, CHCs have served as one our nation’s most critical frontline providers. Serving almost 30 million rural and urban low-income people across America, CHCs provide testing and medical care within the nation’s most vulnerable and hardest hit communities,” the letter reads. “Further, as the economic ramifications of this pandemic continue to grow CHCs have become increasingly relied upon.


Read the full story on the WGBH website here

By:  Saraya Wintersmith
Source: WGBH