July 01, 2021

WGBH: After SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Voting Restrictions, Warren And Pressley Double Down On Ending The Filibuster

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley see the Supreme Court's Wednesday ruling upholding a restrictive Arizona voting law undermines the Voting Rights Act and means that Congress must act to expand voter protections, even if it means eliminating the Senate's filibuster.

In a 6-3 ruling Thursday, the Supreme Court upheld two Arizona laws that restrict voter access, one barring third parties from returning mail-in ballots and another allowing election officials to throw out ballots cast in the wrong jurisdiction. The federal appeals court in San Francisco had held that the measures disproportionately affected Black, Hispanic and Native American voters in violation of the Voting Rights Act.

By:  Mike Deehan
Source: WGBH