July 10, 2018

WBUR: Mass. Congressional Delegation Comes Out Against Supreme Court Pick Kavanaugh

Members of Massachusetts' all-Democratic congressional delegation are coming out against President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh is a federal Appeals Court judge and has taught at Harvard Law School for 10 years.

Both Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey say they are against Kavanaugh's nomination. They're calling on their colleagues to reject him as well.

Warren told MSNBC she is concerned that Kavanaugh's nomination could lead to social and health changes, including a reversal on access to abortion.

"He's got someone who will be committed to overturning Roe vs. Wade," she said. "Someone who will be committed to overturning healthcare to millions of Americans and someone who it looks pretty likely with help Donald Trump if he gets into serious criminal trouble."

Read the full story on the WBUR website here.

By:  WBUR Newsroom
Source: WBUR