February 26, 2021

Washington Post: Warren endorses pushing citizenship for undocumented essential workers through reconciliation

Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Friday that Democrats should immediately use budget reconciliation — a dramatic act that would make it easier to pass a bill in the Senate — to create a pathway to U.S. citizenship for millions of undocumented workers in essential jobs such as health care and farming.

The Massachusetts Democrat spoke the day after the Senate parliamentarian rejected leading senators’ attempt to use reconciliation to pass Biden’s proposed $15-an-hour minimum wage. Reconciliation requires a simple majority vote and is increasingly attractive to Democrats eager to bypass the 60 votes — including 10 Republicans — required to pass a Senate bill. But the procedure also limits what can be included in the budget package, and it is unclear whether the Senate parliamentarian would include a path to citizenship for undocumented essential workers.

Warren said Democrats and Republicans have a moral obligation to pass the measure to protect essential workers who “have kept us alive the past year.”


Read the full article here.

By:  Maria Sacchetti
Source: Washington Post