March 27, 2018

Washington Monthly: Elizabeth Warren Proposes a Plan to Strengthen Obamacare

Months after all the talk about Democrats signing on to Medicare for All proposals, or attempts to move us in that direction, Senator Elizabeth Warren has proposed a plan to further regulate private insurers as a way to strengthen Obamacare. 


In her own way, Warren has exposed the issue that proponents of Medicare for All will have to grapple with: private insurance companies aren’t the only problem in our current healthcare system. The other two factors will be much more difficult politically. In addition to the need to control costs, over half of the population is currently covered by an employer-based plan and the vast majority of them like their coverage. By avoiding those two challenges, Warren places herself among the “pragmatic incrementalists” instead of the “philosophical transformationists,” as described by Ezra Klein—at least when it comes to healthcare.

Read the full article on the Washington Monthly website here

By:  Nancy LeTourneau
Source: Washington Monthly