June 29, 2020

The Boston Globe: Warren says consumer protection agency is ‘here to stay’ following Supreme Court ruling

Senator Elizabeth Warren declared victory on Monday after the Supreme Court found the governing structure of her Great Recession-era brainchild, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, unconstitutional ? but largely left the agency itself intact.

Warren, who set up the agency, said in a series of tweets that although she disagreed with the court’s decision to make it easier for the president to remove the head of the agency, the CFBP as an entity had made it through a series of challenges from the right.

“Let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture: after years of industry attacks and GOP opposition, a conservative Supreme Court recognized what we all knew: the CFPB itself and the law that created it is constitutional,” Warren tweeted Monday. “The CFPB is here to stay.”


Read the full article on The Boston Globe website here

By:  Christina Prignano
Source: The Boston Globe