June 29, 2020

WBUR: Warren Bill Would Halt Nearly All Evictions During Pandemic, Expanding CARES Act Protections

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Monday filed a bill to stop evictions nationwide during the coronavirus pandemic.

The measure, filed with Democratic Rep. Jésus G. “Chuy” Garcia (D-Ill.) would extend the duration and reach of the eviction moratorium that was part of the coronavirus relief package signed into law this spring.

"Renters who have lost their job or had their income reduced shouldn't have to fear losing their homes in the middle of a pandemic,” Warren said in a statement Monday announcing the bill. “Housing is a human right and an absolute necessity to keep families safe during this crisis, and Congress must step in now to help keep people in their homes."


Read the full article on the WBUR website here. 

By:  Kimberly Atkins
Source: WBUR