June 01, 2018

Wall Street Journal: Elizabeth Warren Maintains a Hard Line on Big Banks

Wall Street’s biggest critic in the Senate recently fought against loosening Dodd-Frank restrictions

A decade after the financial crisis, The Wall Street Journal has checked in on dozens of the bankers, government officials, chief executives, hedge-fund managers and others who left a mark on that period to find out what they are doing now. Today, we spotlight U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and former U.S. Rep. Barney Frank.


Elizabeth Warren was one of Wall Street’s fiercest critics during her years as a consumer advocate. A decade later, the U.S. senator from Massachusetts hasn’t softened her withering attacks on big banks.

Ms. Warren publicly lambasted the Senate’s vote to loosen restrictions on banks created by the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, running counter to some members of her own Democratic Party who had decided that smaller banks need relief from restrictive oversight. The bill, which passed the Senate in March, was approved by the House and signed into law last week.

Read the full story on the Wall Street Journal website here.

By:  Stephanie Yang
Source: Wall Street Journal