February 07, 2018

Vox: Elizabeth Warren warns Equifax could “wiggle off the hook” for users’ credit data getting hacked

Days after a report emerged that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau might be pulling back its probe into the Equifax data breach under acting head Mick Mulvaney, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is releasing a new report on the incident that left the personal information of more than 145 million Americans exposed.

In September 2017, the consumer credit reporting agency revealed that millions of its US users had had their personal information, including Social Security numbers, birthdates, and addresses, compromised from mid-May through July 2017. It took about six weeks for Equifax to publicly announcing the breach, during which time three executives sold nearly $2 million worth of the company's shares.

Warren's report paints a damning portrait of Equifax's handling of the data breach before, during, and after the incident. It highlights a number of findings already uncovered in various reports on and inquiries into the Equifax data breach as well as a handful of new details.

Read the full report on Vox's website here.

By:  Emily Stewart
Source: Vox