June 19, 2018

The Hill: Warren to put hold on Trump consumer bureau nominee

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Tuesday said she would block President Trump’s nominee to lead a consumer protection agency until the White House budget official explains her role in the administration’s controversial “zero-tolerance” immigration policy.

Warren said in a tweet she would put hold up Kathy Kraninger's nomination to be director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) until questions are answered about her involvement in policies that include separating migrant children from parents seeking asylum for their family in the United States.

“Kathy Kraninger helps oversee the agencies that are ripping kids from their parents,” Warren said Tuesday on Twitter. “Now @realDonaldTrump wants her to run the @CFPB. I will put a hold on her nomination – & fight it at every step – until she turns over all documents about her role in this.”

Read the full story on The Hill website here.

By:  Sylvan Lane
Source: The Hill