April 18, 2018

The Hill: Warren, Cummings seek $100B to fight opioid epidemic

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) introduced a bill to provide $100 billion in funding over 10 years to address the opioid crisis.
This legislation would amount to a significant infusion of new federal dollars aimed at curbing the opioid crisis, which is leading to thousands of deaths each year.


"We can't defeat the opioid crisis with empty words and half measures," Warren said in a press release. "Our bill will funnel millions of dollars directly to the hardest-hit communities and give them the tools to fight back. Congress has acted before to root out an epidemic when it finally took action against HIV/AIDS — and Americans across the country are counting on us to do the same today."

Read the full article on the Hill website here

By:  Rachel Roubein
Source: The Hill