April 30, 2020

The Boston Globe: Warren, Markey demand data from assisted-living operators on coronavirus impact

Lawmakers respond to reports of outbreaks in senior care sites

Amid growing alarm over the spread of COVID-19 at senior care sites, US Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts are demanding information from assisted-living operators about coronavirus infections and deaths at their facilities and the steps they are taking to fight the pandemic.

The push for scrutiny of a sector not currently regulated by the federal government is also coming from a key House Democrat, Carolyn Maloney of New York, who chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, as reports surface of virus outbreaks at assisted-living sites in Massachusetts, New York, and other states.

State data show more than half of the 260 assisted-living residences in Massachusetts have had multiple COVID-19 cases, including at least a dozen with 30 or more. But state officials haven’t broken out the number of deaths at those sites or included them in their tally of fatalities at nursing and rest homes, which account for nearly 60 percent of Massachusetts deaths from the virus.


Read the full story on The Boston Globe website here

By:  Robert Weisman and Laura Krantz
Source: The Boston Globe