April 29, 2020

The Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren and 30 other senators call for a $50 billion bailout for child care providers struggling because of coronavirus

Senator Elizabeth Warren and 30 of her Senate colleagues are calling for the next coronavirus rescue bill to include a $50 billion bailout for struggling child care operations whose services are seen as key to restarting the economy as the coronavirus restrictions are lifted.

In a letter Wednesday, the lawmakers called on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to create a relief fund specifically for child care providers, many of which have been closed for weeks because of the outbreak with no reopening date in sight.

Warren warned that Massachusetts was in danger of losing 34 percent of its child care capacity, citing an analysis from the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank. The analysis painted a dire picture of the state of the child care industry nationwide, with US capacity overall shrinking by 50 percent if struggling providers do not receive support. Without options for taking care of their children, parents could face the prospect of being unable to return to their jobs once businesses reopen.


Read the full article on The Boston Globe website here

By:  Christina Prignano
Source: The Boston Globe