April 23, 2021

The 19th: Elizabeth Warren to reintroduce $700 billion universal child care proposal

That investment, far more than what Biden has indicated he will seek, has support from other progressive lawmakers, per a letter shared first with The 19th.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren will reintroduce a proposal for universal child care early next week that would devote at least $700 billion over the next decade to revamping the nation’s decimated child care infrastructure.

That level of investment has support from seven other senators, who signed onto a letter — first shared with The 19th — that calls on the Biden administration to include the historic child care commitment in its next big spending bill, the American Families Plan. 

“President Biden has a historic opportunity to not only help our country recover from the devastating effects of the pandemic, but also to build a stronger caregiving economy,” Warren told The 19th. “We can’t just tinker around the edges: $700 billion over ten years is what it will take to fix our broken child care system and ensure that women and families are not left behind in our recovery.”


Read full article here

By:  Shefali Luthra
Source: The 19th