September 19, 2018

Sputnik: Over 130 US Lawmakers Urge Trump to Admit Hurricane Maria Death Toll, Apologize

More than 130 US lawmakers are calling on President Donald Trump to acknowledge the official death toll from Hurricane Maria and apologize for his recent comments about the fatalities, a letter to Trump said.  

"We write to denounce your recent statements about the fatalities in Puerto Rico from Hurricanes Irma and Maria and their aftermath. These comments were grossly inaccurate, callous, embarrassing and beneath the dignity of the Office of the President of the United States. We call on you to immediately apologize and set the record straight by publicly acknowledging the official death toll," the letter published on Wednesday by Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congressman Nydia Velazquez showed.  

The lawmakers said Trump insulted the families who are mourning their loved ones when he asserted that the official death toll of 2,975 was incorrect, and inflated by Democrats to make him look bad. 

Read the full story on the Sputnik website here. 

Source: Sputnik