April 27, 2018

Springfield Republican: Elizabeth Warren questions whether lobbyist contributions have influenced Mick Mulvaney's work at CFPB

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, raised concerns this week about whether outside money has influenced decisions made at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, following reports that the agency's head admitted basing lobbyist access on contributions while in Congress.
The Massachusetts Democrat, who helped start the financial watchdog, penned a letter to CFPB Director Mick Mulvaney Thursday seeking clarification on whether contributions made to his campaign account have influenced any of the agency's recent actions.


"Almost every one of your major decisions at the CFPB has fulfilled a request of a lobbying organization that has donated tens of thousands of dollars to your political campaigns," she wrote. "The public deserves to know whether this is a coincidence or is a reflection of the same kind of 'hierarchy' you created when you ran your congressional office." 

Read the full article on the Springfield Republican website here

By:  Shannon Young
Source: Springfield Republican