July 22, 2020

People: Senators Introduce 'Much Needed' Bill to Address Coronavirus' Racial Disparities

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that the pandemic has hit hardest Native Americans, Black and Latino communities across the country

The novel coronavirus pandemic has impacted people from racial minority groups at a higher rate than it has white people, and two senators now say they have a "much needed" plan to address the virus' disparities.

Sens. Bob Menendez, of New Jersey, and Maryland's Ben Cardin, both Democrats, introduced the COVID-19 Health Disparities Action Act to Congress on Wednesday, saying the bill — if passed into law — would improve contact tracing, testing and provide public awareness campaigns in minority communities around the country.

The bill has large support from other Democratic lawmakers, including co-sponsors on the bill such as Sens. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar.

Warren said "structural racism continues to plague our country" and argued the pandemic's disparities are providing proof.


Read the full article on the People website here. 

By:  Sean Neumann
Source: People