August 17, 2020

The Washington Post: Senate Democrats call on USPS governing board to undo mail changes — and remove DeJoy if necessary

Elizabeth Warren, Charles E. Schumer and five other senators say the postmaster general’s policies have ‘endangered’ Americans

Top Senate Democrats have set their sights on the little-known board that oversees the U.S. Postal Service, urging it to undo the postmaster general’s controversial policies out of concern they have “endangered” Americans.

The call for action came Monday from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and five other Democratic senators. They urged the Postal Service’s Board of Governors to rein in Postmaster General Louis DeJoy by canceling his recent policies — including a crackdown on overtime — that postal workers say have caused mail delivery and processing slowdowns. The senators raised the prospect that the watchdog body could remove DeJoy from his post outright if he chooses not to cooperate.


Read the full article on The Washington Post website here.  

By:  Tony Romm
Source: The Washington Post