September 16, 2020

Stars and Stripes: Sen. Warren introduces bill to make it easier for service members to terminate their leases

WASHINGTON — Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said she will introduce a bill Wednesday alongside a bipartisan group of senators that aims to make it easier for service members to terminate residential and car leases as the coronavirus pandemic has put a tight squeeze on renters across the country.

The Modernizing Notice of Lease Terminations for Servicemembers Act would allow active duty, reservists and National Guard troops to break leases electronically, including by email, if they are deployed, reassigned to a new base, or sent to a long training event.

“Our service members and their families make incredible sacrifices to keep our country safe, so we should take every opportunity to make it easier for them to manage major financial transactions like residential and car leases,” Warren said in a statement.


Read the full article on Stars and Stripes website here.  

By:  Steve Beynon
Source: Stars and Stripes